Cognitive Enhancers

  • Aug 17, 2023
  • By:
Cognitive Enhancers

Also known as nootropics, cognitive enhancers are a diverse group of substances that are shown to have a positive effect on cognitive function. Some examples of these would include Modafinil, Armodafinil, Caffeine and Creatine. Some of these “smart drugs” are licensed and approved medications which are used to treat issues with concentration and wakefulness. Their effects can be beneficial in a multitude of ways which we will explore in this blog.

Online shopping has many benefits, one of the main ones is there is no need to drive or travel to make the purchase. This is also the same when people get cognitive enhancers online, as they can simply order their medications on the internet and wait for them to be conveniently delivered to their houses.

What are Cognitive Enhancers Used for?

Cognitive enhancers, such as modafinil and armodafinil, are pharmacological medications that are used to improve mental performance. They are approved to treat conditions such as narcolepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and shift work sleep disorder. These medications are also used off-label to improve focus, concentration and alertness and can be used to improve memory, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Nootropics can also be used to reduce fatigue and improve motivation. Caffeine is a nootropic that is widely known and used daily by a large number of people. In a way, pharmacological cognitive enhancers deliver similar effects to caffeine, except them being more potent and longer lasting. This makes these medications suitable for enduring long tasks that require peak mental concentration.

How Do Cognitive Enhancers Work?

The most common cognitive enhancers work by increasing the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, particularly the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is responsible for motivation, focus and attention. These medications can also increase the production of acetylcholine, which helps to improve memory and the capacity for learning. Studies have demonstrated that smart drugs can also boost physical performance.

Other studies have shown that cognitive enhancers can help to reduce the symptoms of sleep deprivation, such as fatigue and difficulty concentrating. By increasing the ability of the brain to focus and concentrate, nootropics can help people with sleep disorders to stay alert and productive during the day and get better quality sleep at night once their medication has worn off.

How to Take Cognitive Enhancers

Taking these medications is best done before or at the start of work or an important assignment. It is important to follow the instructions of a doctor when taking these medications, as the doses and frequency of use can vary depending on individual needs. It is also important to take the medications with a full glass of water and to avoid taking more than the recommended dose.

Cognitive enhancers can be used as part of a treatment plan for maximum results. Taking these medications should be done at the same time every day. As these medications can commonly last a long time, it is important to wait until the effects of a dose have worn off before taking any more. Allowing enough time for the medication to be expelled from the body avoids any complications from accidentally double dosing.

How Long Do Cognitive Enhancers Last?

Wakefulness-inducing agents, such as Modafinil and Armodafinil, typically last around 12 – 15 hours when taken as prescribed. The effects can last over a long duration, so dosages should be limited to only one per day, taken at the same time. These medications can be taken with or without food, but foods which contain a lot of fats or oils can prolong effects.

To get the most out of cognitive enhancers, it is important to stick to the prescribed dosage and to take the medication at the same time each day. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can also help to boost the effects of nootropics.

Are Cognitive Enhancers Safe?

Nootropics are completely safe and effective when used as directed. The FDA has approved both modafinil and armodafinil for the treatment of narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder and obstructive sleep apnea. The Office of Generic Drugs (OGD) is responsible for regulating generic manufacturers and ensuring that generic medications meet the same standards as their brand-name counterparts. With stringent regulations which must be met, manufacturers produce highly effective medications which cost less.

At our pharmacy, we only stock licensed and approved medications and we make a strong effort to stock products from the best generic medication manufacturers. We also provide our customers with detailed information about the medications that we stock, so they can make informed decisions when they buy cognitive enhancers.

Why People Buy Cognitive Enhancers Online

Pharmacological nootropics are normally available on prescription only. This means that in order to obtain them, people must first visit a doctor and get a prescription. After that, they must take the prescription to a pharmacy before collecting their medication. This process can be time consuming and inconvenient and may require multiple visits to the doctor and pharmacy.

Alternatively, our website offers a convenient way to buy cognitive enhancers without needing to see a doctor or visit a pharmacy. We can send the medications directly in the post, without needing to see a prescription. This makes it much easier and faster to get medications, especially for those who do not live close to a doctor or town with a pharmacy.

Buy Cognitive Enhancers Online Prescription Free

People who wish to buy cognitive enhancers and get them delivered are in the correct place. We specialise in supplying these medications to people through mail-order delivery. All it takes is browsing our extensive product page and adding the required medications to your shopping cart before proceeding to the checkout. Payments are accepted in Bitcoin, Visa and MasterCard.

We will send your pack and post your order within 24 hours of payment confirmation and have it with you in just 3 – 7 working days. For further queries, our customer services team are available through email, telephone or our live chat feature 24/7.

Buy cognitive enhancers at and get ahead of the competition.

Last Reviewed: 02 August 2023
Next Review Due: August 2024

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